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About Us

Since we started dealing with print publications – we were hooked! From the design, the print, the words, the pictures; seeing a finished piece in a mailbox, on a desk, in one's hands; making money from them or just making something special, it all brings a smile to our faces.

After years of producing brochures and magazines and newsletters for someone else, we decided to start our own company. 186Red (yes, from the PMS colour chart... for Red) in 2005 and have been making projects a reality ever since.


Admittedly, we love printed books and magazines the most, but are also happily transitioning into and offering e-mags and apps and iBooks and e-books.


We favour custom published "I'm thinking of publishing a book, but don't know where to start" type projects, but will chat to you about what you would like to achieve out of your publication.


Of course, we offer a full suite of services and can help you with one or many of those offerings. We're friendly enough, contact us now to arrange a meeting.

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